Hello jumpers, goodbye summer...
The colder temperatures are creeping among us, meaning we are digging
out those chunky knits and waving goodbye to our linen and summer dresses.
It has reached the time of year to switch your wardrobe around ahead of the colder months to make room for those warmer knits. Summer clothing is usually made from lightweight and more delicate fabrics meaning more care is needed in storing your garments away. Avoid using ordinary cardboard or paper boxes as they aren’t waterproof. Chemicals can leach into your clothing and pests are attracted to protein in the glue used to stick the boxes together.
For short-term seasonal storage, you can use vacuum storage bags. These work by removing air, using your vacuum cleaner, and creating a more compact storage solution whilst protecting your clothes from dirt, damp, and pests. Place the container in a cool place, off the floor, and away from damp, sunlight, and direct heat.

Don’t put things away dirty
Don’t put clothes away straight after they have been worn or if they are damp. Wash and dry them first – moisture will attract mould, and stains that are unnoticeable when fresh, such as perspiration which can oxidize and discolour over time. Human bodily fluids also attract pests, such as moths, so keep things clean!
Most summer clothing such as shorts, vest tops, and summer dresses can be folded up during winter storage. However, more delicate items or formal dresses may need to be stored in garment bags to prevent awkward shoulder lumps and creasing.

Storing your linen
Linen is prone to creasing so taking care of this summer fabric during storage is important. If you aren’t a lover of linen’s creasing characteristics, you may want to have your garments professionally dry-cleaned before storing it away for the winter months. Another way you can prevent the amount of creasing in your linen during storage is to turn the item inside out and use a steamed iron before storing, linen stores best in a cotton storage bag.

Keep it nice and airy!
Cramming clothes into the wardrobe will make them misshapen and encourage mould and mildew. Sort through your things regularly and give away anything you haven’t worn in over two years. Make extra space by sorting items by season and pack away any you don’t currently need. Air should be able to circulate freely to help moisture evaporate.
Be Organised
How much time do we all waste looking for clothes? Untidy wardrobes and drawers not only make it harder to find things but more difficult to work out what’s clean and what’s not. Fold things before putting them away – this saves on ironing and helps the garments keep their shape.